

Our aim is that all children:

  • are inspired to develop curiosity, interest, and enjoyment in the Arts;
  • become familiar with the knowledge, principles, skills, techniques, and vocabulary related to the Arts subjects;
  • are exposed to a wide range of creative experiences and resources;
  • work independently and as part of a team in varied activities so that the Arts also contribute to the development of core skills such as ICT, reading, writing, speaking and mathematics;
  • have equal access to the Arts, irrespective of their gender, ethnic origin, academic attainment etc.;
  • are aware of the implications of the Arts (past and present) for the individual, local, national and international communities;
  • develop informal opinions and are able to support these through reasonable arguments, free from prejudicial intolerance;
  • foster and encourage a lasting enjoyment and appreciation of the Arts from a variety of cultures and traditions.

Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity.  At Balgowan, we aim to give children an understanding of how it has shaped our history and contributed to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.  We recognise that every child has untapped creativity and it is our responsibility to nurture, encourage and inspire them at this critical early age, so that they can grow up to be rounded individuals and contribute in all walks of society.

We provide a high-quality art and design education that meets the guidelines of the national curriculum.  Our lessons inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, develop a capacity for critical thinking and problem solving.  Six skills areas are monitored for progression as children move upwards through the school: drawing, colour, texture/collage, form (3D and 2D), printing and pattern.  Alongside this, children will and learn from ‘The Great Masters’ exploring a wide range of their styles and approaches.