
Information on Clothing and School Uniform

We appreciate the support and encouragement given by parents to the wearing of school uniform. Our school uniform is composed of common sense items of clothing, that are both practical and smart.

The uniform can be obtained from the National Schoolwear Centre, Bromley Branch, 51 High Street, BR1 1LE, Tel No: 020 8460 0032, email: info@bromleyschoolwear.co.uk and website: http://www.bromleyschoolwear.co.uk.

When you buy from the Schoolwear Centre, Balgowan will receive 5% of all costs in return, so you will be directly helping the school.

Look out for the “The Really Useful Uniform Store”, it sells nearly new uniform to raise money for the PTA. They run a couple of pop up shops a term in the playground and also during parents evenings. They can be contacted by emailing Balgowanpta@gmail.com

School Uniform

• White or navy shirt/blouse/polo shirt, grey school skirt/tunic/trousers/shorts and the Balgowan sweatshirt/navy jumper/navy cardigan. In summer a pale blue and white checked school dress may be worn.

• School shoes, with sensible heels (no trainers please) black in colour. Boots may be worn to and from school in the winter, but children must change into their school shoes for lessons.

• PE kits: Children should wear a white t-shirt with navy shorts. During the winter months, a navy jumper and navy tracksuit bottoms may also be worn. Trainers must be worn for outdoor PE, plimsolls are not suitable as they do not have enough grip. Trainers or plimsolls may be worn in the gym, dance and gymnastics lessons will take place barefoot. Due to physical education in Reception being done daily and in a more playful manner, they are not required to have trainers for outdoor PE.

• Reception children are allowed to wear plain navy tracksuit trousers during the school day during the colder weather. This does not affect the children’s footwear – they will still need to wear sensible black shoes, not trainers

Jewellery and make-up

We also ask that jewellery (includes novelty bands) and make-up and nail varnish are not worn in school. For safety reasons, pupils with pierced ears must only wear studs and these must be removed before PE and swimming lessons. If your child is unable to remove their own ear studs, they should be removed at home before they come to school on the days they have P.E.

Hair styles

Hair styles should be kept simple with no extremes please and this includes the wearing of large ostentatious hair bands! We ask you not to allow your children to dye their hair or to have designs cut into short hair such as lines, zig-zags, numbers, etc.


We would ask that parents supply their child(ren) with an appropriate sized bag to transport their P.E. kit to and from school. Our cloakroom space, throughout the school, is extremely limited and in the interests of the health and safety of everyone who uses those areas, we would ask that overlarge bags are not brought into the building. Drawstring bags are ideal. The school will contact parents of those children who regularly appear not to have their PE kit available on the days of their PE lessons.

Naming all clothing and personal property

At the end of last year our lost property bins were over-flowing with unclaimed items of uniform. We ask parents to ensure that everything brought into school, especially all items of clothing, lunch boxes and drinks bottles, are clearly labelled with your child’s full name.

Lost property

Lost property is kept in two large plastic bins in the school reception.


Only Year 5 and Year 6 children may bring a phone to school. However these must be handed into the school office in the morning and can be collected at the end of the school day. School can only take responsibility for phones that are handed in.


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Uniform guidance 09th Jan 2023 Download